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一起留学网金牌顾问老师为你解答: 波尔顿大学信息如下:





  University of Bolton Scholarship Briefing Sheet 2012/13

  The Amount

  £500 per annum will be awarded to all U.K. undergraduate University of Bolton students whose household income is under £25,000, and who are progressing to a University of Bolton Higher Education course, from either a partner institution which has entered into a Progression Accord with the university, or an Access Course at University of Bolton. Students on PGDE/PDE courses are not eligible for this award.

  Eligibility for Scholarship

  The student must have commenced an undergraduate course of study in September 2012 or later at University of Bolton and be paying tuition fees of a minimum of £6,000. Fees must be paid via tuition fee loan or student must be self funded.

  Applicants must be full-time U.K. undergraduate Higher Education University of Bolton students. The Scholarship will be paid for first, not subsequent equivalent or lower level HE courses only.

  The student must have successfully completed an approved preparatory course of study at Level 3 (e.g. A-Levels) at the partner institution or an Access Course at University of Bolton.

  The student must have firmly accepted an offer of a place on a full time course by 1st August for September starting courses. In the event that the student has not done this despite fulfilling other criteria for the Scholarship the student will receive only half of the scholarship in the first year of study. For further details please refer to the section on “Second Semester Scholarship”.

  Partner Institutions with Progression Accord

  Accrington & Rossendale CollegeLoreto VI Form College

  Alliance LearningManchester College

  Aquinas CollegeOldham VI Form College

  Ashton under Lyne Sixth Form CollegeOldham College

  Bolton CollegePendleton College

  Bolton VI Form CollegeRivington and Blackrod High School

  Bury CollegeSalford College

  Craven CollegeSkills Solutions

  Eccles CollegeThornleigh Salesian College

  Galway Technical CollegeTrafford College

  Harlech College/Coleg HarlechTurton VI Form

  Holy Cross CollegeWesthoughton High School

  Hopwood Hall CollegeXaverian VI Form College

  Knowsley Community College

  Applying for the Scholarship

  In order to receive the scholarship students must have applied for student funding via: www.direct.gov.uk/studentfinance , regardless of whether applying for other support. This is because, although this is a University of Bolton award, payments are made from the Student Loans Company on behalf of the university.

  Payment dates

  Students will receive payment in two separate instalments subject to continuing and satisfactory attendance on the course. The payments will be as follows

  February 2013 - £250

  May 2013 - £250

  Scholarship payments will be terminated if the student withdraws, transfers to another institution or fails their programme of study. Scholarship payments will be suspended if a student interrupts their studies.

  Scholarships will not be paid to students undertaking industrial or work experience on a full time “sandwich” basis. Students studying abroad also will not be eligible to receive the Scholarship.

  Second Semester Scholarship

  The Second Semester Scholarship has been created for those students who fulfil all the eligibility criteria of the Bolton Scholarship but were unable to confirm their place before the 1st August. These students in their first year will only receive the Second Semester Scholarship of £250 which will be paid in full upon completion of the year (May 2013). After the students first year of study they will transfer onto the “University of Bolton Scholarship” and thereafter will be eligible for £500 for subsequent years.

  These rules apply to all

  Clearing Students

  Students who currently hold us as an Insurance Offer

  Late applicants who only confirm after the 1st August

  February Scholarship

  For February starters the scholarship eligibility criteria remains the same. Students must have firmly accepted the offer of a place on a full-time course by 1 January for February starting courses. Providing this has been done, payment dates will be the end of May 2013 and the end of February 2014.

  The University of Bolton Scholarship is not available to students in receipt of the National Scholarship.

  Further Information

  Ms Karen Bentley – Student Funding Advisor

  Tel: 01204 903497

  Fax: 01204 903809

  Email: studentfunding@bolton.ac.uk

  Please note all information given on this summary is provisional and subject to change.



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