




2016-03-23 10:34:50

Trinity College发来院校信息主要内容

Trinity College发来院校信息,主要有以下几点,


2,2017年的课程费用与开课时间已经公布,请点击:   墨尔本大学预科课程费用.pdf


4,从2017年起 Fine Arts专业不再作为预科过渡课程提供,如果有学生想选择墨尔本大学艺术学院的课程http://vca.unimelb.edu.au/study/degrees ,可申请学校的任何学科比如Bachelor of Arts,在预科学习中满足相关入学要求即可,但由于位置有限并不能保证绝对的录取。


2016Trinity College院校信息内容

Greetings from Trinity College.

We recently held the Orientation for both the March Specialised Extended and March Accelerated intakes. It was particularly pleasing to see the diversity mix for our March Accelerated students - whilst the intake is the Trinity's smallest each year (this year we had 30 students commence), 9 nationalities were represented.

The good news is that we are experiencing a much higher level of interest in our Foundation intakes than the corresponding period last year. This however has led to our enquiry and application response times increasing to at least a week or so. We appreciate your patience during this time - the Admissions team have been working additional hours to address the backlog. Please note though that Trinity will be closed over the Easter break (25 to 28 March).

Thank you once again for your support of Trinity College, and we look forward to welcoming your students to Melbourne in the second half of the year.?


The 2017 Program Course fees and dates are now finalised. Please find the information of CRICOS (Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students) and the 2017 intake and welfare dates for your reference. Fees payable to Trinity as well as terms of payment are set out in the Letter of Offer.

Trinity College is required by the ESOS Act and in accordance with the National Code to display fixed tuition fees as well as indicative course related fees in the Letter of Offer. Please take the time to read the important information below in regards to fees in Letters of Offer and eCOEs as an understanding of how these figures are derived will assist Agents when explaining costs to students and parents.

Letters of Offer

The first page of the Letter of Offer displays all fixed fees, eg. Tuition and Enrolment Fee. (Please note that the OSHC is not identified as a fixed fee as it is an optional charge wherby some students may wish to take out cover independently and not through Trinity).

The second page of the Letter of Offer displays all indicative fees, eg. Laboratory, Music, books, equipment and lecture notes which approximate $2,000.00. Students should also note that there may be other possible expenses relating to the course such as IPad apps, excursions, fieldwork, books and notes but are considered optional therefore are not included as part of the indicative fees.

The Total Tuition Fee for the year intake course is also displayed on the second page of the Letter of Offer which is the sum of the fixed fees and indicative fees.

We thank you for your time in reading the above information, and your support of Trinity College.

Confirmation of Enrolment (eCOE) Fields

The Total Tuition Fee field in the COE is also identified as the Estimated Total Cost in the Course Summary Box which appears when a COE is created and it is updated every year.

The Total Tuition Fee field encompasses fixed tuition fees, non tuition fees as well as the maximum cost of indicative additional fees ($2,000.00 see below). Please note that the actual cost of the additional fees will vary according to the student's intake and subject selecion. For this reason, we have indicated the maximum amount of $2,000.00 to be included if student were to take on all additional fees.

The Initial Pre-paid Tuition Fee field is always the first Semester Tuition Fee displayed in the Letter of Offer, eg. 14,800.00.

The Other Pre-paid Non Tuition Fee which is the total of the Enrolment Fee and OSHC paid by student as per Letter of Offer.

Fine Arts (VCA)

Please note that from 2017, Trinity College will no longer offer a Fine Arts pathway to students wanting to study at the VCA. Students wishing to undertake one of the VCA degrees listed here can apply for any Melbourne University discipline (such as the Bachelor of Arts) through Trinity, and then undertake the required admission requirements for the relevant VCA major once enrolled here. Please note however that there will be no guarantee in place, and international student places for all majors are extremely limited.

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