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英-卡迪夫大学-2025语言班信息更新 (7th, Feb 2025)

发布时间:2025-02-07 阅读:98

尊敬的小希平台顾问,现为大家整理了英国卡迪夫大学2025语言班信息更新. 相比去年, 有如下变化: 1, the 8-week courses have been replaced with 6-week online and on-campus options.2, the online and on-campus options for the 20- and 10-week courses, have been replaced with 1 combined option for each, whereby students will study the first section of each course online, before travelling to Cardiff for the final part of each course.3, a new 16-week combined course for JOMEC (传媒学院) offer holders has been