Bachelor of Veterinary Technology
1. 完成预科学习;或
1. 完成预科学习;或
世界排名 数据来源: QS世界排名
该课程分为(pre-selecion and professional) ,每个阶段的申请是分开的。但是申请人需要同时满足两者的条件。国际新生申请该课程,满足大学入学要求,即下列的均分要求,录取的课程为Bachelor of Veterinary Technology pre-selecion
学生会学习该阶段的课程 。
申请professional phase,需要满足下列条件,
1.Complete the minimum required work experience of 10 full days (80 hours) in a veterinary clinic (40 hours must be undertaken as a block week- 5 x 8hr consecutive days):1.在兽医诊所完成10整天 (80小时) 的最低要求工作经验 (40小时必须作为每周工作-连续5x8小时)
2.Pass all the pre-requisite Massey University courses (classes) or their equivalent at another university. (part one 课程)
3.Achieve a minimum grade point average (GPA) of a C+ or better from your university courses。
4.Sit the appropriate additional selecion assessments.:4.参加适当的附加选择评估。
Pre-selecion Phase:预选择阶段
Part One courses:第一部分课程
123.101 Chemistry and Living Systems 15 credits
162.101 Biology of Cells 15 credits
199.101 Biology of Animals 15 credits
247.155 Communication in the Sciences 15 credits
Professional Phase
Part Two courses
193.103 Animal Behaviour, Handling and Welfare 15 credits
193.105 Veterinary Technology Practical Experience and Farm Training 0 credits
193.122 Principles and Practice of Veterinary Nursing 15 credits
193.124 Comparative Anatomy for Veterinary Technologists 15 credits
194.101 Essentials of Mammalian Biology 15 credits
Part Three courses
117.254 Principles of Animal Science and Production 15 credits
122.222 Biochemistry for Technology 15 credits
193.204 Pathology for Veterinary Technologists 15 credits
193.205 Anaesthetic Monitoring and Equipment 15 credits
193.211 Infectious Diseases of Animals 15 credits
193.212 Veterinary Medical Nursing 15 credits
193.214 Pharmacology & Toxicology for Veterinary Technologists 15 credits
193.219 Surgery and Imaging 15 credits
193.220 Veterinary Technology Clinical Experience 0 credits
Part Four courses
193.301 Veterinary Biostatistics and Epidemiology for Veterinary Technologists
C 193.306 15 credits
193.303 Advanced Clinical Studies 15 credits C 193.306
193.306 Integrative Studies for Veterinary Technologists 60 credits
and 30 credits from one of the tracks in Schedule B.
Schedule B
Equine Track
117.342 Animal Nutrition 15 credits
193.304 Animal Welfare Emergency Management 15 credits
286.101 Equine Production 15 credits
286.211 Equine Reproduction and Breeding 15 credits
286.221 Structure and Function of the Equine Athlete 15 credits
286.222 The Equine Lower Limb 15 credits
286.321 Responses to Training in the Equine Athlete 15 credits
Large Animal Track
117.342 Animal Nutrition 15 credits
117.345 Genetics for Livestock Improvement 15 credits
117.347 Reproductive and Lactational Physiology 15 credits
117.371 Animal Production 15 credits
117.381 Solving Problems in Animal Production 15 credits
193.304 Animal Welfare Emergency Management 15 credits
Management/Business Track
114.241 Principles of Human Resources Management 15 credits
115.112 Accounting for Business 15 credits
115.115 Management in Context 15 credits
115.116 Introduction to Marketing 15 credits
152.232 Small Business Management 15 credits
193.304 Animal Welfare Emergency Management 15 credits
Small Animal Track
117.361 Companion Animal Science 15 credits
193.304 Animal Welfare Emergency Management 15 credits
193.305 Advanced Animal Behaviour 15 credits
194.241 Physiological Control Systems 15 credits
194.242 Physiology of Mammalian Organ Systems 15 credits
学生会学习该阶段的课程 。
申请professional phase,需要满足下列条件,
1.Complete the minimum required work experience of 10 full days (80 hours) in a veterinary clinic (40 hours must be undertaken as a block week- 5 x 8hr consecutive days):1.在兽医诊所完成10整天 (80小时) 的最低要求工作经验 (40小时必须作为每周工作-连续5x8小时)
2.Pass all the pre-requisite Massey University courses (classes) or their equivalent at another university. (part one 课程)
3.Achieve a minimum grade point average (GPA) of a C+ or better from your university courses。
4.Sit the appropriate additional selecion assessments.:4.参加适当的附加选择评估。
Pre-selecion Phase:预选择阶段
Part One courses:第一部分课程
123.101 Chemistry and Living Systems 15 credits
162.101 Biology of Cells 15 credits
199.101 Biology of Animals 15 credits
247.155 Communication in the Sciences 15 credits
Professional Phase
Part Two courses
193.103 Animal Behaviour, Handling and Welfare 15 credits
193.105 Veterinary Technology Practical Experience and Farm Training 0 credits
193.122 Principles and Practice of Veterinary Nursing 15 credits
193.124 Comparative Anatomy for Veterinary Technologists 15 credits
194.101 Essentials of Mammalian Biology 15 credits
Part Three courses
117.254 Principles of Animal Science and Production 15 credits
122.222 Biochemistry for Technology 15 credits
193.204 Pathology for Veterinary Technologists 15 credits
193.205 Anaesthetic Monitoring and Equipment 15 credits
193.211 Infectious Diseases of Animals 15 credits
193.212 Veterinary Medical Nursing 15 credits
193.214 Pharmacology & Toxicology for Veterinary Technologists 15 credits
193.219 Surgery and Imaging 15 credits
193.220 Veterinary Technology Clinical Experience 0 credits
Part Four courses
193.301 Veterinary Biostatistics and Epidemiology for Veterinary Technologists
C 193.306 15 credits
193.303 Advanced Clinical Studies 15 credits C 193.306
193.306 Integrative Studies for Veterinary Technologists 60 credits
and 30 credits from one of the tracks in Schedule B.
Schedule B
Equine Track
117.342 Animal Nutrition 15 credits
193.304 Animal Welfare Emergency Management 15 credits
286.101 Equine Production 15 credits
286.211 Equine Reproduction and Breeding 15 credits
286.221 Structure and Function of the Equine Athlete 15 credits
286.222 The Equine Lower Limb 15 credits
286.321 Responses to Training in the Equine Athlete 15 credits
Large Animal Track
117.342 Animal Nutrition 15 credits
117.345 Genetics for Livestock Improvement 15 credits
117.347 Reproductive and Lactational Physiology 15 credits
117.371 Animal Production 15 credits
117.381 Solving Problems in Animal Production 15 credits
193.304 Animal Welfare Emergency Management 15 credits
Management/Business Track
114.241 Principles of Human Resources Management 15 credits
115.112 Accounting for Business 15 credits
115.115 Management in Context 15 credits
115.116 Introduction to Marketing 15 credits
152.232 Small Business Management 15 credits
193.304 Animal Welfare Emergency Management 15 credits
Small Animal Track
117.361 Companion Animal Science 15 credits
193.304 Animal Welfare Emergency Management 15 credits
193.305 Advanced Animal Behaviour 15 credits
194.241 Physiological Control Systems 15 credits
194.242 Physiology of Mammalian Organ Systems 15 credits
新西兰留学热门专业 更多
学制: 1年 雅思: 7 学费: 38662.00纽币/年 -
学制: 1年 雅思: 7 学费: 38662.00纽币/年 -
学制: 4年 雅思: 6.5 学费: 40633.00纽币/年 -
学制: 2年 雅思: 6.5 学费: 27900.00纽币/年 -
学制: 4年 雅思: 6.5 学费: 40633.00纽币/年