Social Research
This course will help you to become proficient in theoretical concepts in social research and will provide you with the practical skills to undertake higher level research across the full range of social sciences.
You’ll develop highly sought-after qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods research skills through our hands-on teaching methods. You can tailor the course to your interests by selecting from a wide range of modules – from all the departments in social sciences – that will expo
You’ll develop highly sought-after qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods research skills through our hands-on teaching methods. You can tailor the course to your interests by selecting from a wide range of modules – from all the departments in social sciences – that will expo
个人陈述:【至少300字】 You should supply a statement of at least 300 words giving your reasons for applying and any other information you want to include in support of your application. Among the issues you may wish to cover are how your previous education and experience relates to the course, and how the course fits into your long-term academic or career plans.
世界排名 数据来源: QS世界排名
Core modules:核心模块
Principles of Research Design I:研究设计的原则I
Introduction to Qualitative Research:质性研究导论
Introduction to Quantitative Research:定量研究导论
Principles of Research Design II:研究设计原则二
Working Beyond Disciplines:超越学科工作
Research Ethics and Integrity:研究伦理与诚信
Advanced modules:高级模块
Advanced Qualitative Methods:高级定性方法
Advanced Quantitative Methods for Social Research:社会研究的先进定量方法
Optional modules:可选模块
Theory and Research in Design:设计中的理论与研究
Urban Design Tools and Methods:城市设计工具和方法
Reflections on Architectural Design:对建筑设计的思考
Chinese Cities in Transition:转型中的中国城市
Global Governance and Japan:全球治理与日本
East Asian Research Methods:东亚研究方法
Microeconomic Analysis:微观经济分析
Macroeconomic Analysis:宏观经济分析
Econometric Methods:计量经济学方法
Modern Theory of Banking and Finance:现代银行金融理论
Early Childhood 1: Development, Learning and Curriculum:幼儿1: 发展、学习和课程
Language Acquisition, Learning and Pedagogy:语言习得、学习和教学法
Data, Visualisation and GIS:数据、可视化和GIS
Theory and Debates in Food Security and Food Justice:粮食安全与粮食正义的理论与争论
Ideas and Practice in International Development:国际发展中的理念与实践
Research Design and Methods for Development:研究设计和开发方法
Children's Learning:儿童学习
Communication Diversity & Difficulties: A:沟通多样性与困难: A
Information and Knowledge Management:信息和知识管理
Introduction to Data Science:数据科学导论
Data and Society:数据与社会
Information Retrieval: Search Engines and Digital Libraries:信息检索: 搜索引擎和数字图书馆
Information Systems Modelling:信息系统建模
Libraries, Information and Society:图书馆、信息与社会
Information Systems in Organisations:组织中的信息系统
Information Literacy:信息素养
Principles of International Law:国际法原则
International Humanitarian Law:国际人道主义法
Theoretical Foundations of International Organisations:国际组织的理论基础
Managing the Landscape:管理景观
Maintaining Green Infrastructure:维护绿色基础设施
Design Research Study:设计研究
Accounting and Financial Management:会计和财务管理
Operations and Supply Chain Management:运营和供应链管理
Corporate Governance:公司治理
Global Marketing:全球营销
Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management:可持续物流与供应链管理
Supply Chain Technology:供应链技术
Logistics System:物流系统
Quantitative Methods for Finance and Accounting:财务和会计的定量方法
Corporate Finance:公司财务
Management and Organisational Theory:管理与组织理论
Marketing Management:营销管理
Management Accounting:管理会计
Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis:财务会计与财务报表分析
Applying Psychology to Work and Organisations:将心理学应用于工作和组织
Leadership, Engagement and Motivation:领导力、参与度和动力
Selection and Psychological Testing in Organisations:组织中的选择和心理测试
Statistical Methods for Occupational Psychologists:职业心理学家的统计方法
Sustainability Accounting and Accountability:可持续性会计和问责制
Contemporary Marketing Practices:当代营销实践
Marketing Communications:营销传播
International Consumer Behaviour:国际消费者行为
Entrepreneurial Economies:企业家经济
Managing People in Organisations:管理组织中的人员
Professional Development:专业发展
Industrial Relations:劳资关系
Research Methods:研究方法
Contemporary Global Security:当代全球安全
The Governance and Politics of the European Union:欧盟的治理和政治
Political Economy of Global Environmental change:全球环境变化的政治经济学
Democratic Governance in the 21st Century: Problems, Innovations and Solutions:21世纪的民主治理: 问题,创新与解决方案
Terrorism and Political Violence:恐怖主义和政治暴力
Professional Skills for Psychologists:心理学家的专业技能
Digital Methods:数字方法
Real Estate Economics:房地产经济学
Principles of Urban Design:城市设计原则
Media, State and Society in China:中国的媒体、国家和社会
Trajectories in Urban Design Practice:城市设计实践中的轨迹
Reflections on Architectural Design:对建筑设计的思考
International Politics in East Asia:东亚的国际政治
Work and Organisation in East Asia:东亚的工作和组织
Applied Microeconometrics:应用微观计量经济学
Applied Macroeconometrics:应用宏观计量经济学
Asset Pricing:资产定价
International Trade:国际贸易
Public Economics:公共经济学
International Money and Finance:国际货币与金融
Industrial Organisation:工业组织
Monetary Economics:货币经济学
Early Childhood 2: Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Education:幼儿2: 幼儿教育的当代问题
Language, Society and Education:语言、社会和教育
Managing Climate Change:管理气候变化
Communication Diversity & Difficulties: A:沟通多样性与困难: A
Before Facebook: Social Networks in History:Facebook之前: 历史上的社交网络
Information Systems Project Management:信息系统项目管理
Researching Social Media:研究社交媒体
Information Governance and Ethics:信息治理与伦理
Public and School Library Services:公共和学校图书馆服务
Big Data Analytics:大数据分析
Digital Advocacy:数字宣传
Business Intelligence:商业智能
ICTs, Innovation and Change:信通技术、创新和变革
Database Design:数据库设计
Academic and Workplace Library, Information and Knowledge Services:学术和工作场所图书馆、信息和知识服务
Journalism in Britain:英国的新闻业
International Law and the Use of Force:国际法和使用武力
Policing and Society:警务与社会
Gender and Violence:性别与暴力
Landscape Professional Practice:景观专业实践
Landscape Professional Practice:景观专业实践
Strategic Management:战略管理
Supply Chain Accounting and Finance:供应链会计与财务
Global Supply Chain Leadership:全球供应链领导地位
Issues in Finance:金融问题
International Financial Reporting:国际财务报告
Performance Management:绩效管理
European Business:欧洲业务
International Finance:国际金融
Company Project:公司项目
Fundraising management: sponsorship, philanthropy and the state:筹款管理: 赞助,慈善事业和国家
Managerial Economics:管理经济学
Management Inquiry:管理查询
Retail and Services Marketing:零售和服务营销
Marketing in Society:社会营销
Risk and Uncertainty:风险和不确定性
Supply Networks Management:供应网络管理
Managing Museums and Cultural Heritage Sites:管理博物馆和文化遗产
Well-being and Work:幸福和工作
Financial Management:财务管理
Marketing Research:市场研究
Employee and Organizational Development:员工和组织发展
International Human Resource Studies:国际人力资源研究
Employee Performance Management:员工绩效管理
Policy-Making in the Real World:现实世界中的政策制定
Feminist and Decolonizing Approaches to International Relations: Bodies, Coloniality, Knowledge:国际关系的女权主义和非殖民化方法: 身体,殖民,知识
Wellbeing in Politics and Policy:政治和政策中的福祉
Capitalism and Crisis:资本主义与危机
Development and the State:发展与国家
Professional Skills for Psychologists:心理学家的专业技能
Digital Media in a Datafied Society:数据社会中的数字媒体
Visual Methods for Social Scientists:社会科学家的视觉方法
Advanced Quantitative Methods for Social Research:社会研究的先进定量方法
Advanced Qualitative Methods:高级定性方法
Working Beyond Disciplines:超越学科工作
Cities of Diversity:多样性城市
Transport Planning:运输规划
Issues in Housing:住房问题
International Real Estate Market Analysis:国际房地产市场分析
Planning Law:规划法
Investment Valuation:投资估价
Law of Business Leases:商业租赁法
Managing Cities: The Seoul Case Study:管理城市: 首尔案例研究
Health, Wellbeing and the City:健康、福祉和城市
Reflections on Architectural Design:对建筑设计的思考
Communication Diversity & Difficulties: A:沟通多样性与困难: A
Applying Psychology to Work and Organisations:将心理学应用于工作和组织
Professional Skills for Psychologists:心理学家的专业技能
The Science of Environmental Change:环境变化科学
Oral History:口述历史
Principles of International Law:国际法原则
Human Rights:人权
Contemporary Challenges: Refugees and Asylum:当代挑战: 难民和庇护
Sociologies of the everyday:日常社会学
Values in Planning:规划中的价值
Managing Climate Change:管理气候变化
Media freedom: European, UK and US perspectives:媒体自由: 欧洲,英国和美国的观点
Global Politics of Climate Change:全球气候变化政治
Digital Health:数字健康
Sociology of Genders, Sexualities and the Bodies:性别,性和身体的社会学
Advanced social media research:高级社交媒体研究
GIS for Built Environment Professionals:面向建筑环境专业人员的GIS
英国留学热门专业 更多
学制: 1年 雅思: 7 学费: 31000.00英镑/年 -
学制: 1年 雅思: 6.5 学费: 35640.00英镑/年 -
学制: 1年 雅思: 6.5 学费: 35640.00英镑/年 -
伯明翰大学国际 会计与金融专业
学制: 1年 雅思: 6.5 学费: 27000.00英镑/年 -
学制: 1年 雅思: 7.5 学费: 29700.00英镑/年